Book Discussion

The purpose of this blog is to discuss the books you are reading in a way that will make others want to read them too. The blog allows for a more in-depth description of the book and how it relates to today. It should include the literary elements of the book, the symbolism and a brief description of the plot.

If you read a biography, begin with a brief overview of the book, then describe the different stages of life. When possible, relate the person to historical events, describe the person's character strengths and any obstacles the person overcame.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

American Hostage posted by Ali Dew

American Hostage: Book Talk

Written by Micah Garen and Marie-Helene Carleton

Millions of people around the world followed the story of an American hostage back when the United States first invaded Iraq. They didn’t know who he was or what his background consisted of; they didn’t know who his loved ones were. But behind all the press and the media attention, this innocent American journalist had a mission in life, he had a story, he had special loved ones that cared about him deeply. In American Hostage, Micah Garen depicts his love for journalism and most of all his love for his partner in life-- Marie-Helene Carleton. This riveting memoir dives into the underworld and corruption of Iraq that most do not even see or hear on the news , and shows that even the grimmest of situations something beautiful can come out of it and give such a optimistic outlook on life.

Micah Garen is an American journalist who has ventured to Iraq once again, with his partner in life Marie-Helene Carleton. This pair reports extensively on the lost culture of the once civilized country of Iraq, through the looting of excavation sites. Micah Garen is different though. What other foreigners see as foul, corrupt, shady, and precarious, Micah sees it as beautiful, optimistic, and rich with culture. His outlook and details about ordinary things, makes even the ugliest of things of this country seem magical and uplifting. His moving outlook of life, has gained the respect of many in the villages of Iraq. He had becomes exceedingly close with a translator and philosopher Amir Doshi, who later becomes a victim in captivity himself. Together this pair gives a perception on life that gives everyone around the world hope for anything.

The Iraqi markets are filled with Taliban leaders and an underground world of murder and hatred. This seeps through to Americans in particular. Through careful disguise and the respect and help of many, Micah blends in seamlessly with the Iraqi men. However, one day while out taking pictures of the gun markets in a village, Amir and Micah are bombarded by the underworld leaders of the Iraqi society. The only way out of death, it to follow a man who forcefully repeats that he can help them out of the frightening situation. Micah and Amir are completely blinded to the fact that they are being trapped in a ring of kidnappers. They did not realize that many weeks of uncertainty and trepidation were awaiting them the second that they step foot in the van of Iraqi men.

When Marie-Helene Carleton is rudely awakened to the telephone, she jolts out of bed, when she finds out that her life partner Micah is reported to be missing. Through her tremendous amount of connections, she gets the word out fast to journalist all over the world, about the love of her life who has become a hostage. Marie-Helene is full of angst and anxiety as she waits on the only thing that she knows will save Micah; time. The moments that her and Micah have had to spend apart during his captivity, has put a perspective on life and her feelings for Micah. You can hear the thoughts running through her head of every second that Micah still has not been found. But there is a different sort of connection between Marie-Helene and Micah. Her thoughts correspond to Micah’s effortlessly and it’s like they’re communicating telepathically. You can read into the emotions and the heartbreak that both of them are feeling when they are just battling the war against time to see if Micah will be brought to safety.

Amir and Micah have a strong bond- especially during their time of captivity. They show the true trust and dependency that people must have in order to succeed in life. Their friendship has deep roots of respect and loyalty. Their reflections about life are so in synch with each other, that they can share this great optimism about everything on Earth. This friendship depicts the foundation that people need to make it through life’s trials and tribulations. They fight through what has come to them and do it with dignity and respect to their kidnappers.

American Hostage looked to be like a thriller on the outside about the horrors of captivity in corrupt Iraq. Underneath the façade however, is a memoir depicting so much more than the situation that is dreaded by all journalist. This book gives an outlook on life that is so positive and full of hope. This within itself is what makes you want to keep reading for more. Readers around the world can share this new found anticipation for life and love. American Hostage is more than just a memoir about a journalist; it is a healthy look on culture placed in a not ideal setting. “Only those who dare to fail greatly, never achieve greatly.” -JFK

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