Book Discussion

The purpose of this blog is to discuss the books you are reading in a way that will make others want to read them too. The blog allows for a more in-depth description of the book and how it relates to today. It should include the literary elements of the book, the symbolism and a brief description of the plot.

If you read a biography, begin with a brief overview of the book, then describe the different stages of life. When possible, relate the person to historical events, describe the person's character strengths and any obstacles the person overcame.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Annie's Promise

Annie's Promise by Sonia Levitin is a very good read!It is 1945 and Annie's family and herself have moved out of Germany because of the Nazis. The left because of Hitler and her family is Jewish. When they come to America they realize many things are different and have to adjust. Annie is very different from her sisters, she had an illness and her parents are very protective. They don't want her to do anything. Also she is not a girly girl. Annie really wants to see what life holds for her, but her parents are holding her back in doing so. Her guidance counselor from school confronts her one day and tells her she has been invited to Quaker Pines Camp. She asked her parents and at first they said no, but finally they caved in and allowed her to go. When she first arrived at camp she knew no one, but befriended a girl named Tally. Tally and Annie became really good friends over the summer. Annie ha some troubles during her time at camp with people and tasks. She was enjoying her time though. Annie was a natural with horses and people. Many liked her and found her intelligent. When camp was over Annie went home to knew things. Her sister left the house and she was alone with her parents. Annie was given the opportunity to return to camp as a counselor. Tally came to visit Annie and they had a grea time but when Annie's parents found out she was hanging with a black girl and where she was they were outraged. They said profane words and made Annie very upset. She snuck out to go to camp that night. She arrived at camp and it wasn't the same. It was scary and vacant. She only stayed for a while then realized she missed home. The day she went back to camp as a counselor the war was over. The Americans had dropped the bomb. It was a new beginning for all. His book is great. It shows people all the history and the lives people had back then. It also captures the true essence of a young girl during this time. It still is relevant to the wold today. We have wars going on currently and people are suffering. Not all are in the war, but have family over there. Many people suffer when there is a war and the book shows this.

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